Sunday, September 28, 2008

Get the fruit to Market!

Wow what a challenge! We had two difficult teamwork activities last Tuesday that showed us how important it is to work together. A special thanks to Bunny-Boo's mom for helping with the Ostrich egg challenge.
That was interesting wasn't it? The kids had to figure out how to get the "eggs" out of a nest that was up in a tree. Then the "eggs" had to be placed in a giant net and carried to the village with out dropping any. It was more challenging than it sounds since the "eggs" were small plastic balls and the net was a giant parachute! (hee hee) :) I hear one group lost some "eggs" to East Ave. Oh my! Poor little eggs.
Then they met with me and had the challenge of getting all of the fruit their village had grown to the market to sell. There were a lot of rules making it very difficult for the kids. Happy Feet was quick to figure out a human chain was needed to take the fruit to the market and other kids quickly fell into place. Everyone stalled when the line didn't reach all the way, but it didn't take them long to solve the problem. I was very impressed.
After we talked a little bit about how hard it is to work as a team when there is a common goal. I see kids work as a team for sports all the time, yet problem solving together seems to fall apart rather quickly. This was a good exercise for that reason.
Orangutan and I thought of a few things after this meeting, we saw some of the best things that happened were the communications between members. When things fell apart it was because people were not talking to each other. This sparked the idea for our next meeting! Our last September meeting, will be all about how to communicate with others. Of course you hopefully know me by now... it will be fun and challenging and a little silly.
Starting in October we will begin our Charity work and start planing for the National Orangutan Week event at the Sacramento Zoo. I will keep you posted!
Until then NinjaMom Out

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