Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chico's 30th Endangered Species Fair

Wow! It has been way too long since I have written. I guess I am a busy person after all!
I am so impressed with the kids. We had a lot of help from the P.V High School kids who are in a club called AVID. They came over quite a few Tuesdays to help us get ready for the Fair and then showed up the day of the fair to work. Sadly the day was WET COLD AND RAINY! UGH! But the kids didn't seem to mind. Thanks to all who showed up and gave their all to this wonderful event.
We sold cookbooks called "Wild in the Kitchen" for 5.00 each. We still have these available! We had three wonderful "Animals" Giving speeches all about the reasons they became endangered. One animal, the Bald Eagle, was able to make it off the list of endangered animals and Anna did a great job explaining this to anyone who asked. Mikaela did a fantastic job as our white tiger and Maddy did amazing as the giant panda. The girls braved the weather with Grace and Sariah and walked around sharing their information with all the fair visitors. It was awesome! There was an exciting few moments as the "bald eagle" came in contact with a giant salmon that was also walking the fair. I think a small persuit occured but in the end the fish was safe.
Curtis showed up to do Origami early in the day, as did my wonderful PV high volunteers. Sadly we had no kids to fold paper with on such a soggy day. Maybe at the Marigold Spring Carnival the boys can show off their skills?!
Theo, and Lou, Morganne, Mya, Dylan, Ashley, Rachel, Tyler all helped too. I am so proud of how knowledgeable all the kids were and amazed at the ability they showed to persevere in the nasty weather. I returned very soggy children to parents who came back hours later to retrieve their children. It was heartwarming to me that so many of you allowed me to still have your kids on such a day! Thank-you!