Thursday, September 18, 2008

Let Peace Begin With Me...

Hi there everyone! What a wonderful meeting we had! Sorry I did not get an e-mail reminder out to everyone this last time! I had a cat/sick great uncle emergency. (Thankfully they were unrelated!)
If you did make it to the meeting we had a wonderful time in the library, talking about what makes us the same and what makes us different.
I heard some VERY interesting things about our little members! We have brave fighting knights, world travelers, swimmers, avid readers, animal lovers, shark lovers, fashion parlor owners, one member who has sworn off candy, (palm oil...dontcha know!) Then we discovered together that we all have a nose, ears, hair on our head, feet, a heart, and we all, (thank-goodness) wear clothes! The next thing we did was decorate our "PEACE PEOPLE" These beautiful creatures are now on display in the library. I asked the kids to either draw themselves, or a kid from another country, or something they wanted to be. Some were silly, some were serious and some were just down right creative! But if you go look at them keep this in mind, just like all of us across the world, they are alike in so many ways and special and unique in some ways too. I am very proud of everyone's efforts on the doves and the people. Please remember to celebrate International Peace Day with your family this Sunday the 21st.
There is a lot going on in Chico too, so head out and enjoy the great weather! On Saturday is Pastels on The Plaza! Orangutan and I will be there, and I believe there is a music thing going on at Chico State! Fun fun fun. What ever you do, take a moment on Sunday to have a bit of peace in your life.
NinjaMom Out

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