Saturday, October 4, 2008

Communicate? Sounds like jiberish to me!

Well the last of our September meetings found us waving our arms like chickens, acting like Beavers and wondering what the heck NinjaMom was doing up there making all those silly noises!
I challenged the kids to create their own language. We pretended we were Native Americans who all had a common problem. Our water supply had run dry, and we were headed to a tribal council in front of the "elders" to see if we could come up with a solution. The thing one speaks the same language! Interesting... It was great fun to see the kids use their hands and quite a few giggles to convey they had no water. Only one tribe knew that it was the Beaver's who had built a dam blocking the flow of water to all the tribes. I think most of the kids were able to follow the story even if there were no words used. Since we had a few minutes left we played a few rounds of charades. That was fun too.
Communication is so important. I talked to the kids about how we can talk to each other in many ways, with our bodies, the tone of our voice, and with our silence. The Native American's were able to communicate and trade with each other even though they did not share a common language. We could learn a lot from that.
There will be no meeting on October 7th. I have to go out of town for an appointment!
Darn! We will meet again the next week. We are starting our Charity work and begin to plan some things like skits and songs for the School and Nursing homes.
Until then
NinjaMom Out!

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